Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mom will be here - hurray

Supressing my feelings day in day out, I thought I was tough made of steel, could handle my emotions and 'its no big deal' had become a mantra until now when I realise that my mother will be here - and i am keeping track of the hours until she lands - she left mumbai at 1am which translates to 3PM, its 8PM right now which means she is nearing Frankfurt, she will reach Detroit at 5PM tomorrow and I simply can't wait - every minute that passes now seems like an hour and its becoming more and more diffifult to supress these tears.

have cleared my room of all the clutter, sorted out the laundry, made room for myself on the floor, figured out the bedding, exchanged my study table for a compact model from my housemate and vaccumed the carpets. I have a test on Wedneday in three days time and yet all that I think of is about my mom's arrival.
How did Imanage to survive 4 semesters without seeing her? for that matter how was it possible to function without my familiy. I guess the thought that they are always present with their prayers and thoughts is what helped me survive all these days. Am so happy that my mom finally made it to my ceremony. I think i tried talking her out of attending the ceremonies but now feel so happy that she insisted on attending.

Had attended the brunch at Zingermanns today celebrating Celeste's commencement - she is so blessed to have such an awesome group of friends - the food was so delicous - had a Master pit salad - very filling and large. I completed all of it - was then thinking that most other people had leftout their food. Its such an expensive place and leaving out food seems so crazy. But anyways it was such a pleasure meeting her parents - Elsi and Ernie. They even extended an invitation to visit SF - CA with my mom. Such a great couple.

I hope to do a bit of travelling with my mom - see some good places in Micigan - Sonia mentioned that I could drive down to the upper peninsula and check out the Nature. Could do that in the month of June. And in July we could basically do a trip to CA or probably Alaska. Canada too sounds good - but might not be able to visit some other country besides the US.

Welll all those plans will have to wait - I got to complete a lot of tasks before that - my qualifier exams and more imminent the semester exam in 611 top the list.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Impossible is Nothing

Saw some ads by Adidas on Utube and felt so motivated so inspired - its okay to be alone, not to hear what other people have to say and to continue to do your best.
It goes like this...some people listen to themselves instead of listening to others, these people don't come along very often .. but when they do they remind us that once you set out on a path even though critics may doubt you its ok to beleive that there is no can't won't impossible - they remind us that 'impossible is nothing'
I want to be that person - I know that all things are possible through HIM. I believe and do not want to forget this fact.

Loved the ad that include Mohammed Ali!
very inspiring and motivating - something on the lines of Iqbal movie song.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Discipline 101 - Part I

As I begin to write to this post I realised how difficult it has been for me in the last one week to stay away from facebook. At the end of browsing about two hours everytime I logged into FB - it dawned on me one day that I really waste a major portion of my time. Have been weaning myself away from that site for many days now - but towards the end of Lent I committed myself to a period of 2 months without FB and Orkut. So far I can see the amount of time I have saved - its been difficult - the need to snoop around and see the status messages of friends, to check out the pictures and read notes left by other friends.
At the end of every session I would amaze my self with knowledge of so many of my friends without actually speaking or having contact with them!
This has been quite a mission so far - but I plan to stick with this commitment for the next 2 months ot until the end of my qualifiers!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Light of the World

I just cannot imagine that I have come to the end of yet another beautiful season of Lent. This year I want to make a conscious decision to continue to grow in this Spirit of Discipline. Often think that I lack this in attitude in my life and that it could make so much of a difference. I can achieve so much in my life - I feel so fulfilled during Lent. Why can't I continue in this lifestyle even after? Why do I revert back to unhealthy eating and living? Am I using my faith as a crutch, as a prop as a support? Is this how I should should consider my religion to be? Maybe I need to be aware of the fact that it is possible to achieve that level of discipline in my life. Now that I have experienced this for the last 40 days it should be a prelude for the rest of the year.
I want to begin my journey for a healthy lifestyle this year - want to get into the shape and size I have always desired to be in. And I am sure i can do it - all things are possible with God. This time around I will work harder.

I simply love the Easter celebrations at SMSP - for that matter the ones in my parish were awesome too - there is something about the vigil that keeps me engaged all the time. Not sure if it is the solemnity, or the rituals, or the numerous (8) readings reminding us of our history of salvation, or in the case of the SMSP the baptisms of the new members in the church. The service began at 8:30 and finsihed only at 12. But never for a moment I winked or checked my watch for the time - at the end of it all I felt that I now have to wait another year for this celebration!

Having said that today was a day of feasting - had a great time at Nancy's place- my swimming instructor who invited us over for dinner at her place. It was such a pleasure meeting so many new people. Loved interacting with all - met Swapna whom I had met about 2 years ago - seems like she is the same person Sr. Dorothy met on a train! What a small world:)

This morning I woke up to the sound of birds chirping near my window - looks like Spring is here to stay now - no more snow until November now :(

Spoke to Mellita about so many things - had a 3 hour conversation with her - and then if I think about it I must have spent about 6 hours on the phone today. Wishing family, cajetan, ashley, Jung and still have so many more people that I have missed!
Right now I can't wait for this semester to end - look forward to my mom coming to US for the graduation - this will be so much fun - can't restrain my excitement.
Thank you dear Lord for ALL the blessings in my life.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hossana - awesome music

"Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to Eternity"

These lyrics from the hymn Hossana by Hillsong United are so very touching and form a little prayer by itself.
Simply love this hymn - it has such a rock band feel to it. Contemporary and hummable, the chorus keeps playing in my mind. Imagine myself singing Hossana with the choirs of angels!

Look forward to the Easter vigil this evening. I love the entire ceremony - blessing of the fire, the water, the readings tracing Gods love and mercy for entire humanity. Its such a gracefilled atmosphere. Simply love the whole celebration.

Hossana in the highest!

Friday, April 10, 2009

last 7 'words'

there was this reflection conducted after the veneration of the cross and the eucharistic service in the church. 3 readers came forward and enacted scenes from the gospel showing Jesus's state before he died on the cross. There were reflections presented after that followed by a hymn and a prayer. The reflections were provided my parishioners some students some professionals and some at a older stage in their life.
there were a couple of refelections that struck a cord and I still remember what they said.
Elise presented a reflection after 'I thirst' what do we thrist for in our lives? love, friendship, companionship...we need to remember that Jesus thirsts for our love and understanding that he died on the cross for us...that he longs to see us put our hope and trust in him.
There was a refelction by a gay parishioner - it was very enlightening - he reflected on 'father forgive them for they know not what they do' I decided that i should be friends with this guy - know more about his psyche and formulate my thoughts better on this human state.
Sean spoke about 'my God why has though forsaken me' I thought that was very touching - the thought that Jesus in the shallowest of the shallow felt forsaken as a result of bearing all our low moments means that he totally understands how we feel when we are low and depressed. he went through it all for my sake and totally understands what is means to feel rejected and dejected and opressed and defeated and tired and in despair, more importantly he sets an example of triumph.
Another refelction offered was on 'it is finished' what does it really mean to be finished - it is accomplished is more appropriate. Would I be able to say this when my life on this earth nears an end?
Woman behold your mother was a touching reflection too - a mothers pain cannot be compared to anything in the world. Mary went through all this pain and sets us an example that we too can strive to execute God's will in our lives.
Very touching service - felt so calm after it. Brian was sitting nxt to me during the service. I thought it was so nice of him to sit next to me. If only he were a little older I would have considered dating him:)
My soul is thirsting for you my Lord...lovely hymn and so very well sung by Elise.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

From that time on...

During this Lenten season I followed the readings and reflections from the 'little black book' - a book that was distributed in the church around Ash Wednesday. It had a gospel reflection and a page of tidbit on the life of a saint, or some incident in history, or the meaning of some tradition that is practiced.
As I reflected upon yesterday's reflection - it mentioned that there are 3 instances in the gospel of Matthew when he uses the phrase - from that time on - it marks the transition in the phase of Jesus's life. I mulled over the reflection last night and all through the day today and yet I could not come up with something to complete the sentence 'from that time on ..' as applicable to my own life when I probably think about it next year.
I did not realize that I have thinking about this until the adoration in the evening today. I was thinking about how busy I was last year and not able to stay until the very end for the adoration. Realized how much my life has changed since then - I cleared 3 semesters and inanother 3 weeks will be graduating with a masters degree. Never imagined that I would be in US kneeling infront of the host. Just could not help wonder what the Lord has in store for me. For once I did not feel threatened or agitated by the uncertainity- instead it was a feeling of calm and comfort. The assurance that God has taken charge of evreything. In that moment the looming qualifier exams too seemed easy and attainable. The whole PhD process of 3-4 years too seemed 'short'. I guess having a God perspective makes all the difference in ones life - remembered the verse which said - seek ye first the kingdom of God....saw it in action in my life. I could not help feel overwhelmed in Gods' presence and for a moment everything else did not seem to matter.
I forgot that I missed my family - forgot the tears that I shed during mass earlier, forgot about the whole month long prepartion for the seemed as though I was immersed in some different universe. This is what draws me to spending time during the adoration. An hour seems so short.

Well in the end I realised that this time next year I would be living in an apartment two block away from the church!
From this time on ...I will stop worrying and start believing every moment of my Life.

Cuurent books

  • Monk who sold his ferrari
  • Prophet of the People
  • Story of a Rich boy

Favourite Hymns

  • I am a Daughter of Christ
  • Hossana - HillSong
  • Fives Loaves
  • On Eagles Wings
  • Shout to the Lord